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Journal of Bioinformatics©
Established 1995
ISSN 1443-2250
Volume 19(3):281-288, 2018.
In-Silico structure
prediction of p27SJ, a novel protein in St John’s Wort that
suppresses expression of HIV-1 genome.
Ashish Gupta1
*, Varsha Gupta2, Santosh Kumar Pal2,
Jitendra Narayan2,
M. Sharada Potukuchi1, V. Verma1
1College of Engineering, School of Biotechnology, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra
(J&K), India. 2BCS-InSilico
Biology, Lucknow, India
Ashish Gupta1 *, Varsha
Gupta2, Santosh Kumar Pal2, Jitendra
Narayan2, M. Sharada Potukuchi1,
V. Verma1In-Silico structure prediction of p27SJ, a novel protein in
St John’s Wort that suppresses expression of HIV-1 genome, Onl
J Bioinform., 19(3):281-288, 2018. Hypericum perforatum, also known as St John’s Wort, has received special attention due to
its pharmacological properties. Extracts from this plant are also utilized in
the treatment of mild to moderately severe depression. A novel protein, p27SJ
present in a laboratory callus culture of Hypericum perforatum suppresses transcription of
the HIV-1 genome in several human cell types including primary culture of microglia
and astrocytes. p27SJ associates with C/EBPβ,
a transcription factor that regulates expression of the HIV-1 genome in macrophages and monocytic cells, and the viral transactivator,
Tat. It has
been found that it can suppress transcription of the HIV-1 genome. Despite its
importance, the three dimensional (3D) structure of p27SJ has not
yet been reported. A homology modeling method was used for the
prediction of the structure of p27SJ protein. For the modeling,
template protein was obtained by Geno3D server,
template protein pdb|2Q9T|chain A having identity 88%, E value 3e-129 and
alignment Score 1140. By comparing the template protein a rough model
was constructed for the target protein using MODELLER, a program for
comparative modelling. The structure of p27SJ protein of Hypericum perforatum was found to resemble the structure of peroxiredoxin
high resolution structure of Ding Protein of Pseudomonas fluorescence. From
Ramachandran plot analysis it was found that the portion of residues falling
into the most favoured regions was 95.4%. The predicted 3-D model may be
further characterized and analyzed using other
Keywords:- Hypericum perforatum, homology modeling, Schrodinger, HyperChem, 3-D model, MODELLER, geno3D, mGenTHERADER,
X-ray crystallography, Swiss-PdbViewer, PROCHECK.