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Journal of Bioinformatics©
1: 74-82, 2002.
Simple object access protocol for bioinformatic software interoperability .
Xia Y1, Stinner RE1, Wang X2
1 NSF Center for
Xia Y, Wang X, Stinner
RE., Simple object access protocol for bioinformatic
software interoperability , Onl
J Bioinform., 1:74-82, 2002. There is a lack of
interoperability between bioinformatic software tools
within and between organizations. Current technologies such as RPC, CORBA and
RMI have failed to become pervasive due to strong coupling between endpoints,
lock-in by vendors and difficulty in access across enterprises due to
firewalls. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) was recently proposed by
Microsoft, IBM and others to improve software interoperability in distributed
environments. The benefits of SOAP and a working scheme for using SOAP are
presented and discussed.
KEYWORDS: SOAP, interoperability, bioinformatics, RPC, CORBA, RMI