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Online Journal of
Volume 9 (2): 113-120, 2008.
based 3D–structure modeling of glucose specific Sesbania stem lectin.
Saxena S, Das HR, Das D, Biswas S
and Structural Biology Laboratory, Institute of Genomics and Integrative
Saxena S, Das HR, Das D, Biswas S., Homology based 3D–structure modeling of glucose specific Sesbania
stem lectin, Onl
J Bioinform., 9 (2):113-120, 2008. The
lectins from legumes show a considerable sequence and structural homology but
their differences in carbohydrate specificity make them unique for studying
structure function relationships. 3D models of proteins were created to
evaluate crystal structure and function relationships.
The 3D model of Sesbania bispinosa stem lectin (STA) (Accession No.ABX59683.1)
was vizualised using web server Geno3D. Stereochemical properties were analyzed
using PROCHECK and generated models visualized with Rasmol
3D viewer and MolProbity for X-ray crystallography.
This study describes computer generated molecular models for which crystal
structures are not available.
Keywords: Homology
modeling, Geno 3D, MolProbity,
Lectins, Sesbania