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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©
Established 1995
A theoretical approach
to test possible interaction between
DNA and in
silico platelet P2Y1 receptor.
Arnab Mukherjee.
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India.
Mukherjee A., A theoretical
approach to test
possible interaction between DNA
and in silico platelet P2Y1 receptor, Onl
J Bioinform., 19(2):208-213, 2018. Purinergic
receptors are proteins that respond to sensitization by purine nucleotides to induce signal
transduction pathways. The receptors are classified as ligand-gated ion
channels (P2X type) and G-Protein Coupled Receptors (P2Y type). This work
focuses on a purino receptor that is expressed
greatly on the platelet surface as a high affinity ADP receptor to induce
platelet aggregation. The receptor was
analyzed in silico to determine if the P2Y1 receptor (which evinces a remarkable affinity
for ADP) would respond to DNA as well. Although the
receptor does not strictly fall
into any known family of proteins complexing with DNA theoretical approaches
showed that the receptor may be a suitable candidate for
protein-DNA interaction.
: platelets,
purinergic receptors, P2Y1, DNA binding proteins, ADP, docking.