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Online Journal
of Bioinformatics©
Volume 22
(2): 103-110, 2021.
Protein surface extracting software for
active site residues
Kalpana Singh1, Manoj Kumar
Pal1, Tapobrata Lahiri[1] Apurba Kumar Samal2
1Department of Applied Science, Indian Institute of Information
Technology, Allahabad, India
2Indegene Life systems, Bengaluru, India
Singh K, Pal
MK, Lahiri T, Samal ASK., Protein
surface extracting algorithms for active site residues, Onl
J Bioinform., 22 (2): 103-110, 2021. Software should be able to access
functional atoms on surface protein. We used algorithms to access surfaces of
90 PDB-proteins with known functional sites from Catalytic Site Atlas including
functional atoms discovering 2457 residue proteins in active sites. The molecular
surface algorithm extracted 52%, Surface Racer 75% chothia’s
Van der waals radii 79% and Lahiri 58%. Active
site information should be in the cavity but we found less active site residues
there that on outer surface. Our results suggest conventional algorithms were
unable to effectively retrieve outer surface active or functional sites.
Key words: Protein surface, protein active site, software comparison