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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©

Volume 21(1): 38-68, 2020.

Dof gene transcription factors for development of rice seed Oryza sativa ssp.


Vikram Singh Gaur1, U.S. Singh2, Vinay Singh1 and Anil Kumar1


1Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, 2Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, INDIA.




Gaur VS, Singh US, Singh V, Kumar A., Dof gene transcription factors  for development of rice seed Oryza sativa ssp, Onl J Bioinform., 21(1): 38-68, 2020. Seed development is controlled by transcription factors (TF) temporally and spatially expressed. Dof TF’s contain 30 annotated genes and functions, mostly unknown. Analysis revealed expression of 5 genes including Rice Prolamin Binding Factor (RPBF) in seed during 6 days of development in MPSS database. We verified in silico expression of 30 rice Dof TF genes from flowering to dough stage 0 DAA, 8 DAA, 12 DAA and 24 DAA in Oryza sativa ssp (Nipponbare) by RT-PCR specific primer sets. 17 genes were differentially expressed from flowering to maturity as 6 constitutive, 4 up and 3 down regulated. Another was 1 gene maximally expressed at flowering, 2 at watery ripe and 1 at milky stages. At all stages there was involvement of more than one gene indicating combinatorial regulation by Dof Tfs. Expression of RPBF genes was maximally expressed at 8 DAA watery ripe stage but declined thereafter suggesting seed specific expression. Previous reports of RPBF expression in rice seeds reveals other Dof TFs expressed in different developmental stages during transition from flowering to seed maturity. The other 16 Dof TFs were not exclusively seed specific but showed association with rice seed development and grain filling. Further in silico study of conserved regulatory elements present in the promoters of these genes revealed that most of the Dof genes are possibly involved in diverse signaling including jasmonote mediated pathway which probably controls grain filling under stress.


Key words:   Dof Transcription factors, RT-PCR, Expression profiling.

Abbreviations: DAA: Days after anthesis, Dof:  DNA binding with one finger.