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Monte Carlo with
simulated annealing model for constructing phylogenetic network from nucleotide
Kumar Dwivedi1*, Dr. Usha Chouhan2
1Department of Bioinformatics, Mathematics and
Computer Applications, Maulana Azad National
Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India., 2Department of Mathematics
and Bioinformatics, Maulana Azad National Institute
of Technology Bhopal, India.
AK, Chouhan U., Monte Carlo with Simulated Annealing
Model for Constructing Phylogenetic Network from Nucleotide Sequences, Onl J Bioinform., 14(2):197-206, 2013. A phylogenetic
network is used to represent conflicting signals or alternative evolutionary
histories in a graph. Phylogenetic networks can be constructed by several
methods which are based on various criterions like minimum evolution or maximum
likelihood. Some of phylogenetic methods
are based on the distances among taxa. In this paper we present an algorithm to
find an optimal circular ordering for constructing phylogenetic networks based
on the Monte-Carlo with simulated annealing method. We compared the result by
applying this algorithm and N-net on same data set. The result shows that this
algorithm performs better than N-Net. We find that the circular ordering
produced by this algorithm is closer to optimal ordering than N-Net.
Furthermore, the networks corresponding to outputs of this algorithm made by
Splits Tree are simpler than N-Net.
Keywords: Monte carol,
Simulated Annealing, Phylogenetic tree, Phylogenetic Networks, Evolution