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Online Journal of Bioinformaticsâ
Volume 1: 83-95, 2002
In Silico markovian
bioinformatics for predicting 1Ha-NMR chemical shifts in mouse
epidermis growth factor (mEGF)
Díaz HG1-2, De Armas RR2, Uriarte E3
1 Chemical
Bio-actives Center, 2 Department of Chemistry,
Díaz HG, De Armas RR, Uriarte E.,
Silico markovian bioinformatics for predicting 1Ha-NMR chemical shifts
in mouse epidermis growth factor (mEGF)., Online J
Bioinformatics 1:83-95, 2002. A
Markovian chemical In silico design (MARCH-INSIDE)
method produced piecewise linear regression (r = 0.93) between protein backbone
descriptors with (1Ha- NMR) values for mouse mEGF
protein. The method extends preliminary findings on electron intra-molecular
Markovian delocalization to polymer chains. Original results were supported by
cross validation procedures excluding each fourth amino acid from processing
resulting in r = Q1 = 0.93, Q2 = 0.94, Q3 = 0.94 and Q4 = 0.96 with a break-point value of
4.42 ppm characterizing 2 amino acid clusters.
KEYWORDS: Markov chains, Proteins, mouse Epidermis Growth Factor, NMR, piecewise regression, Bioinformatics.