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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©

Volume 21(2): 183-189, 2020.

 Glycan binding protein genes in streptococcus mutans as potential pathogens aligned to lectin database


Saulo Alves Aflitos MSc1,2. Benildo Sousa Cavada PhD1, Luzimar Gonzaga Fernandez PhD2, Frederico Bruno Moreno PhD1,

Lucas de Lima Nogueira PhD1, Rafael da Conceição Simões BSc1,2


1Laboratório de Moléculas Biologicamente Ativas, BIOMOL-LAB, Fortaleza, Ceará, 2Laboratório de Estudos em Meio Ambiente, LEMA, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.




Aflitos SA, Cavada BS, Fernandez LG, Moreno FB, Nogueira LL, Simões RC., Glycan binding protein genes in streptococcus mutans as potential pathogens aligned to lectin database, Onl J Bioinform., 21(2): 183-189, 2020. Streptococcus mutans is the etiologic agent of human caries being the major responsible for tooth decay by its acid production, a byproduct from sugar’s degradation. This microorganism uses Glycan Binding Proteins (GBPs – specifically sucrose-polymer-binding proteins) to connect either to the Acquired Enamel Pellicle (EAP) glycans created by the host’s saliva, glycans from other bacteria’s membrane glucoproteins or glycans produced by itself as mucilage for adhesion. Four GBPs are known for S. mutans virulence. We describe GBPs sequences between unknown function proteins sequences from the S. mutans genome using a Lectin (GBP higher class) specific database. We found Genbank accession codes: NP_720544 and NP_722430 with high sequence similarity to GBPs but not able to be extracted by automatic annotation. These sequences should be further analyzed by biochemical and molecular biology assays to confirm its expression and in vivo/in vitro functions.


Key words: Caries; Lectin; GBP; streptococcus mutans.