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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©
Established 1995
Volume 20(3): 272-290, 2019.
Computational Prediction of 3D Structure for
the Matrix Protein2 (BM2) of Influenza B Virus.
Anshul Tiwari1, Ashish Chandra
Trivedi1, Aditya Narain Sarangi2,
Prachi Srivastava1*
1Amity Institute of
Biotechnology, Lucknow India, 2BMIC, SGPGIMS, Lucknow India
A, Trivedi AC, Sarangi AN, Srivastava P., Computational Prediction of 3D
Structure for the Matrix Protein2 (BM2) of Influenza B Virus, Onl J Bioinform., 20(3):
272-290, 2019. We
modelled BM2 protein of Influenza B virus (isolate B/Lee/1940) using PDBSUM, using
20 proteins with sequence similarities to BM2 and available structural data templates.
Templates were then exported to Discovery Studio 2.0 with a cluster of 4
proteins with alpha-helices and beta-sheets. Because of limited similarities
with BM2 sequence an iterative error and trial modeling procedure for structure
validation and energy refinement was undertaken with MODELLER, DOPE, PROCHECK,
PROSA, WHATIF and CHARMM. The resulting model consisted of 4 alpha helices and 2
anti-parallel beta sheets with good overall stereochemistry and 90% residue
psi/phi angles falling in the most favored regions. The model may be useful for
design of a BM2 inhibitor to treat flu.
Key Words: Influenza B matrix2
protein, Viral Ribonucleic Acid, Homology Modeling.