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 Online Journal of Bioinformatics © 

Volume 11 (2): 282-292, 2010.

Building a topological inference with qualitative criteria to predict the structural family of a protein sequence.



Omar Gaci



Le Havre University,  Le Havre – France



Gaci O, Building a topological inference with qualitative criteria to predict the structural family of a protein sequence, Onl J Bioinform, 11 (2): 282-292, 2010The similarity between structural and topological properties were used to predict the structural family of a protein sequence. The method identified properties of the candidate families using sample proteins. Properties of the target sequence were compared to the corresponding properties of the families. Reliability was measured by comparing results to existing structural classifications. The method uses graphed proteins, where the vertices are amino acids, and the edges are interactions between them.


Key words: interaction network, protein structure, structural classification