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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©
Volume 1: 51-61, 2002.
A software package for drawing ideograms automatically.
Stefan Böhringer*1,
René Gödde1, Daniel Böhringer2, Thorsten Schulte1,
Jörg T Epplen1
1Department of
molecular human genetics, Ruhr University
Bochum, 2Department of ophthalmology, University clinics,
Böhringer S, Gödde R, Böhringer D, Schulte T, Epplen JT, A software package for drawing ideograms automatically, Onl J Bioinform., 1:51-61, 2002. The advent of genome wide linkage disequilibrium scanning requires software for conveniently visualizing results from these screens. Such a software is presented in this paper. The software allows output of chromosomal ideograms and it can highlight arbitrary marker positions. Labels can be attached at liberty which are positioned automatically to avoid overlap. In order to automatize complex visualization tasks, a tool for extracting named marker positions from the location database (ldb) is provided. The software is highly configurable and can draw arbitrary karyograms, banding patterns and chromosome groupings. Annotations may be customized by using program options or by implementing new annotation subclasses. Outputs are in Postscript format which may be converted to other graphic file formats or may be directly used for high quality printing.
KEYWORDS: ideogram, automation, genome, annotation, karyogram, chromosome