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Online Journal of Bioinformatics

Volume 11 (1): 72-82, 2010


A Linear Programming Approach to Study Phylogenetic networks in Honeybee


Usha Chouhan, Kamal Raj Pardasani.


Department of  Mathematics,MANIT, Bhopal, India-462051.                                                                                          




Chouhan U, Pardasani RK, A Linear Programming Approach to Study Phylogenetic networks in Honeybee, Onl J Bioinform, 1: 72-82, 2010. The effective and efficient prediction and reconstruction of biological tree and networks for a variety of inter-species and intra-species organisms have been a challenging task in computational biology. The presence of reticulate evolutionary events turns phylogenetic trees into phylogenetic networks. These events imply in particular that there may exist multiple evolutionary paths from a non-extant species to extant one and this multiplicity makes the comparison of phylogenetic networks more complex than the phylogenetic trees. In this paper a linear programming model has been developed to optimize branch length of phylogenetic tree and networks from a set of genes of honey bee (genus Apis). The model has been solved numerically and numerical results have been used to predict the reticulation events in honey bee.


Keywords: Linear programming, Phylogenetic tree, Reticulate network.