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Online Journal of Bioinformatics ©
Volume 9 (2):108-112, 2008.
CateGOrizer: A Web-Based Program to Batch Analyze Gene
Ontology Classification Categories
Hu Zhi-Liang1, Bao
J2, Reecy JM1
1Department(s) of
Animal Science and 2Computer Science,
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
Hu, Bao J, Reecy JM., CateGOrizer: A Web-Based Program to Batch Analyze Gene
Ontology Classification Categories, Onl J Bioinform., 9(2):108-112, 2008. With
the accelerating rate at which gene-associated research data are accumulated, there
is a growing need for batch analysis of large-scale sequence annotations such
as Gene Ontology (GO). A frustrating problem with GO annotation has been
the inability to properly count the occurrences of GO terms within certain
parental categories under a given classification method such as GO Slim.
The GO term occurrence count by category can also be time consuming when all
possible paths are searched with looped structured query language (SQL).
The CateGOrizer we present here is designed to
overcome these problems. The CateGOrizer
utilizes pre-computed transitive closure paths, performs GO classification
count under any given GO slim through a web interface. Our approach has
significantly reduced the run time and improved flexibility in comparison to
peer programs. However, users are advised to take caution when choosing a
proper classification system, to design a strategy objectively count GO terms
and properly interpret the results.
Key-Words: Analysis, Gene Ontology, classifications