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Online Journal of Bioinformatics ©
14 (1): 76-95, 2013
New footprints into metazoan C-1 family cadherin
Anahí Hasenahuer, Víctor
Hugo Casco and María Fernanda Izaguirre.
Microscopy Laboratory Applied to
Cell and Molecular Studies. Engineering School, Entre Ríos
National University. Argentina.
MA, Casco VH, Izaguirre MF., New footprints into
metazoan C-1 family cadherin evolution, Onl J
Bioinform.,14 (1): 76-95, 2013. Specific cell-cell adhesion and intracellular
communication are key processes in multicellular animals wherein cadherin
superfamily members are essential players. Evolutionary origin of the modern
C-1 cadherin family in metazoans was determined using a Neighbor-Joining (NJ)
algorithm and the EC1 first cadherin-repeat sequence ─avery short segment
of the full length proteins responsible for adhesive recognition ─ and their
cytoplasmic domain. Searching for insights that reveal organizational changes
in C-1cadherins, a phylogenetic analysis of full extracellular and cytoplasmic
domains from 8 vertebrate species was performed, using Maximum Likelihood
phylogenetic algorithm. The amino acid sequence homology
between extracellular and cytoplasmic domains were analyzed and the
protein structural data architecture was reviewed. The analysis of full
extracellular length of C-1 cadherins suggests that
the CDH13-solitary cadherin must be reclassified into classical type I cadherins. Specifically, it was demonstrated that EC2 to
EC5 repeats addition to EC1 have significant evolutive
information, changing the previously proposed molecular phylogeny. In contrast,
the CDH26 solitary cadherin, in agreement with the Hulpiau
and van Roy (10) proposal, must be placed between desmogleins
and desmocollins. Taking together CDs-alignments and
the different evolutive models proposed for the EC-
and CD-based trees, it seems to be clear that EC and CD have evolved
separately. Therefore, the differences between CD subfamilies could have
developed the competence of cadherins to interact
with different partner cytosolic proteins to participate in a different signal
pathway controlling the cell life.
Key words: C-1 cadherins – phylogeny –metazoan