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Journal of Bioinformatics ©
Volume 19 (2):107-113, 2018
Cognition enhanced artificial neural network for
detection of rare events in DNA repeat sequences.
Meena, K1, Menaka, K2, Sundar, TV4*
and Subramanian, K R3
a1Vice Chancellor, Bharathidasan
University, 2Department of I.T. & Applications, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College,3 Department
of M.C.A., Shrimati
Indira Gandhi College, 4Department
of Physics, National College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, India.
Meena, K,
Menaka, K, Sundar, TV,
Subramanian KR., Cognition enhanced artificial neural network for detection of
rare events in DNA repeat sequences Online J Bioinform, 19(2):107-113,
2011. Looking for rare
variations of genetic codes between intra or inter DNA sequences is an
important activity in the quest for disease identification and other related
explorations. Such experiments may reveal information about variations in
regular molecular structures. For the analysis of multitude of genetic
sequences with the tool of neural nets, providing a suitably preprocessed input
data may serve as a critical factor in the cognitive ability and processing
power of the networks. Hence, an attempt has been made in this direction to
construct an artificial neural network with the support of numerically
characterized input data sets. We found that the network is capable of rapid
cognition and as well gives relatively better detection performance when
compared to conventional learning method.
Keywords: Knowledge driven
Artificial Neural Networks, DNA
sequences, Numerical Characterization, Skewness.