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 Online Journal of Bioinformatics © 

Volume 1 (19):47-55, 2018.

Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic analysis of BZIP protein in plants.


*Dhivya S, Karthikeyan PP1, Arul L2, Balasubramanian P2 and Abhishek P3


*Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Biotechnology, 1Phytomatics Laboratory, Department of Bioinformatics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 2Centre for Plant Molecular Biology, Tamilnadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore, 3School of Biotechnology, Chemical  and Biomedical Engineering, Vellore University of Technology, Vellore, India.




Dhivya S, Karthikeyan PP, Arul L, Balasubramanian P, Abhishek P., Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic analysis of BZIP protein in plants, Onl J Bioinform., 1 (19):47-55, 2018. BZIP are a class of dimeric sequence specific DNA-binding proteins, bipartite in structure with a region of enriched basic amino acids adjacent to leucine zippers. It is characterized by several leucine residues regularly spaced at seven amino acid intervals wherein the basic region directly contacts DNA. The leucine zipper mediates hetero-dimerization and homo-dimerization of protein monomers through parallel interactions unique to eukaryotes and the plant Arabidopsis thaliana genome which has 67 BZIP proteins. In this work we predict dimeric properties of alpha helical leucine zipper coiled of BZIP proteins in plants. We report length of leucine zippers, placement of asparagines in the hydrophobic interface and presence of inter-helical electrostatic interactions. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using evolutionary relationship of BZIB with existing plants.


KEY WORDS: BZIP, transcription factor, dimerization, leucine zippers, biophysical properties, phylogenetic relationship.