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Journal of Bioinformatics ©
Volume 13 (1):59-79, 2012.
modelling and docking of Brugia malayi glutathione reductase
Sudhanshu Shekhar Yadav1*, Vinay Kumar Singh2,
Eva Liebau3, Sushma Rathaur1
of Biochemistry, 2Centre for Bioinformatics, Faculty of Science,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, U.P., India 3Westfalische
Wilhelms-Uinversitat, Institute of Animal Physiology,
Department of Molecular Physiology, Hindenburgplatz-55, Muenster, Germany
Yadav SS, Singh VK, Liebau
E, Rathaur S., Molecular modelling and docking of Brugia malayi glutathione
reductase, Online J Bioinform, 13 (1):59-79, 2012. Brugia malayi Glutathione Reductase (BmGR),
a redox enzyme that reduces glutathione disulfide (GSSG) to the sulfhydryl form
GSH plays an important role in filariasis and other
diseases. BmGR was modeled
using a 3DK9 template with 324 hydrogen Bonds, 18 helices, 32 strands and 47
turns and accepted at PMDB database (PM0077742). The model was used to dock and
simulate the antifilarial drugs diethylcarbamazine
citrate and albendazole, specific inhibitors of GR; 3,4 Dihydroxybenzyleamine and
1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea and substituted chalcones
(SK series compounds). The active site analysis alignment of HsGR revealed ten stretches as active binding sites in BmGR. The amino acid residues SER19, GLU39, GLU40, THR41,
THR46, TYR146, ASP162, ARG267, ARG272, ASP307 and THR315 were involved in
hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic, polar, cation-pi and other interactions with
NADPH. The binding of GSSG with protein especially with amino acids ALA142 and
VAL143 and overlapped with NADPH binding site except SER19, ARG267, ARG272,
ASP307 and THR315. In-silico
investigation revealed that interaction of DEC with amino acids TYR181, ILE182
& ASP307 and SER19, THR46, ALA142,
VAL143 & ALA318 interacting with ALB and specific inhibitors; DHBA showing
interaction with amino acids GLU39, GLU40, THR41, THR46 & THR146 and SER19,
GLY20 & THR46 with BCNU are involved in hydrogen, hydrophobic and polar
level interactions. However, the interaction sites of antifilarials
are similar to the binding sites of GSSG but positions are different and the
binding sites of specific inhibitors are similar to the substrate i.e. active
site domain II of BmGR protein. While SK series
compounds are interact with highest coordination of the major portion of the
active binding site as well as NADPH binding site of the protein. Based on
estimated free energy of binding, lowest inhibition constant (Ki) and lower
frequency percentage ALB, BCNU and substituted chalcones
were showing better interactions. Specific inhibitors are showing competitive
type binding (stretch 1 & 2) with substrate while substituted chalcones non-competitive (stretch 1, 2, 3 & 6).
However, Stretch 5 and 7 may be the activator sites of the protein, which are
the binding sites of antifilarials. Amino acids
SER19, CYS47, CYS52 and PHE165 may be better inhibitory sites for drug
designing using BmGR as template. Among substituted chalcone SK-3 and SK-5 are showing lower estimated free
energy of binding, lowest inhibition constant (Ki) and lower frequency
percentage. These substituted chalcones may be good
inhibitors of glutathione metabolism and have better antifilarial
activity. The BmGR structural information and docking
studies could aid in screening new antifilarials or
selective inhibitors for chemotherapy against filariasis.
Key Words: DEC; Diethylcarbamazine
citrate, ALB; Albendazole, DHBA; 3,4
Dihydroxybenzyleamine, BCNU;
1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea, Substituted chalcones,