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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©


Volume 19 (1):1-7, 2018.

Detection of domain boundaries in proteins by plotting energy of Non-Bonded Interactions

as function of in silico chain truncation in native structural format.


Guptasarma P*


Institute of Microbial Technology, Sector 39-A, Chandigarh, India




Guptasarma P., Detecting domain boundaries in proteins by plotting of the Energy of Non-Bonded Interactions (ENBI) as a function of in silico chain truncation in native structural format, Onl J Bioinform,  19 (1):1-12, 2018. Plotting of variations in the energy of non-bonded interactions as a function of varying chain length (in native structural format) facilitates the identification of protein structural domains. Plots display ‘troughs’ and ‘swells’. Locations within individual troughs that mark the largest sustained departure in slope correspond to domain boundaries.


Keywords: Protein domains; Protein folding; Non-bonded interactions.