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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©
Established 1995

ISSN  1443-2250

Volume 19(3):214-221, 2018.

Bioinformatics: Evolution to Revolution.


Dipankar Mazumdar, Swapan Raha.


Department of Mathematics, VISVA-BHARATI Santiniketan 731235, INDIA



Mazumdar D, Raha S., Bioinformatics: Evolution to Revolution, Onl J Bioinform., 19(3):214-221, 2018. An introduction to bioinformatics is given. A definition of bioinformatics is discussed. Some important historical events to the related fields are investigated and the different aspects such as prerequisites, aims, scopes and future of bioinformatics are reviewed.

Key Words: introduction to bioinformatics, definition of bioinformatics, historical facts, future challenges.