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Journal of Bioinformatics©
Volume 8 (1):56-60, 2007.
An indigenous integration system for
biodiversity databases
Sarinder KKS1, Lim LHS1,
Dimyati K2, Merican AF1
1Institute of Biological Sciences,
Faculty of Science, University of Malaya, 2 Department of Electrical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya.
Sarinder KKS, Lim LHS, Dimyati K, Merican AF., An Indigenous
Integration System for Biodiversity Databases, Onl J Bioinform, 8 (1): 56-60, 2007. Malaysia’s rich flora and fauna has
put her in the top 20 list in the world. Presently, scientists here have been
venturing into digitization of their biodiversity datasets into relational
databases. Databases can be centralized into a warehouse or distributed which
span multiple geographically separated machines. While centralized data
warehouses are easier to manage and manipulate due their homogeneity, most of
the biodiversity databases are clustered on distributed warehouses, hence
forcing scientists to query multiple remote or local heterogeneous data
sources, integrating manually received data and manipulating it with advanced
data analyzing and visualizing tools. This is mainly due to the preference of
the scientists to have their databases kept and maintained by themselves in
their own labs or offices. However, the access of relevant data, combining data
sources and coping with their distribution and heterogeneity is a tremendously
difficult task. Therefore, in this paper, an approach to overcome these issues
by developing an indigenous system for integrating biodiversity databases on
distributed warehouses is presented. This system allows dissemination and
sharing of biodiversity data while allowing scientists to continue maintaining
and keeping their own databases.
Key words:
Databases, Database
Integration, Biodiversity