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Journal of Bioinformatics©
Established 1995
ISSN 1443-2250
Volume 20(1):9-22,
Homology based modeling of glial fibrillary
acidic protein.
Sagarika Biswas, Saugata
Roy, Rahul S. Mandal, H.R.Das
Institute of
Genomics & Integrative Biology, Delhi University Campus, Mall Road, Delhi – 110007.
Biswas S, Roy S,
Mandal RS, Das HR., Homology based
modeling of glial fibrillary acidic protein, Onl J Bioinform., 20(1):9-22, 2019. Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is an intermediate filament
Type III protein. It contains three domains; the most conserved one is the rod
domain. The specific DNA sequence for this region of the protein differs from
the gene sequence of other filament proteins of Type III class. This feature
makes this protein unique for studying the structure function relationship. In
the present study, the 3D model of GFAP is generated using MODELLER 9v7. The
sequence of GFAP was downloaded from NCBI (Accession No. AAB22581.1). Its stereo chemical property was analyzed by PROCHECK (RCSB
Validation Server v11.1A) and the generated 3D model was visualized using Rasmol 3D viewer. This study will help in generating
computer molecular models for which crystal structure is still not available.
Keywords: GFAP,
Homology modeling, MODELLER, MolProbity, PROCHECK, Loop modeling.